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UNESCO - Less is More
The global health leader maintains a clear content strategy (the planning, development and management of posts) underpinned by clear content pillars (topics and themes the account posts on), and a blend of strategic and news-driven storytelling. For example, its Twitter feed not only drives conversation around major COVID-19 announcements, but also shines a spotlight on key dates such as International Women’s Day, hosts live briefings with senior leaders around critical issues and highlights employee video entries from the epicentre of various crises around the globe.
UNESCO’s top-three position has been attained through a less-is-more strategy. The account’s posting frequency on Twitter is considerably lower than competing organisations in the top five. On average, UNESCO posts at the lowest frequency with 2,546 tweets per year, 60% lower than the UNHCR which averages 6,276 posts annually.
In reality, UNESCO’s lighter content cadence is likely informed by a content strategy that recognises the organisation’s more reflective stance, compared to its UN counterparts reporting breaking news stories on the global agenda. One could also speculate about a content budget differential between WHO and UNESCO, not least during a pandemic.
The snapshot of UNESCO content posted in March 2022 shows the range of themes it covers, from sustainability to education, women’s rights to online misinformation and climate change.
UNESCO’s content receives 76 retweets per tweet, on average, compared to global leader WHO, whose content typically scored 250 retweets per tweet as users shared critical information during the pandemic.
UNESCO is an expansive organisation covering a wide variety of specialisms which cut across science,the arts and culture. Creating varied conversational pillars is necessary for reflecting UNESCO’s diverse work. However, this places the organisation at a disadvantage compared to more focused entities that can show greater clarity of purpose to meet and manage follower expectations.
UNESCO is an expansive organisation covering a wide variety of specialisms which cut across science, the arts and culture. Creating varied conversational pillars is necessary for reflecting UNESCO’s diverse work. However, this places the organisation at a disadvantage compared to more focused entities that can show greater clarity of purpose to meet and manage follower expectations.
This clarity seems to be a strong reason the other organisations’ content is considered, at the highest end of the ranking, to be more engaging and sharable. UNESCO also lacks the powerful community of country-level and regional accounts that WHO and UNICEF enjoy. There are 15 UNESCO accounts on Twitter collaborating with the global feed, compared to 61 within the WHO ecosystem and 135 for UNICEF.
UNESCO has recruited just over 870K more followers than UNHCR, but with growing global refugee crises claiming increased attention, the UN’s refugee agency could overtake its cultural counterpart later this year.